Archived Updates, News, and Announcements

September 3 2024

Alpha Round 116 has started!

What's the achievement this time to earn? A more unusual one in the form of Try Staying Home Today. Those unique individuals who fail quests at least 75 times will receive the Usagi Yobimbo form as a reward!

Rewards will go to unique players if someone tries to top with more than one account! Rewards for previous rounds will be handed out sometime tomorrow as will new spells be published.

New spells have also been added!

  • New spell, Elven Servitude, submitted by Jennifer Jayne! Additional credits go to Princess_Lil for the art, and shoutout to Nerati for being cute. Graphic is by captaina1coho1. This spell turns its victim into a Pet Elf!
  • New spell, Soft'n Skunk'n, submitted by RaeRae Stunky! Graphic is by Theletter79. This spell turns its victim into a Skunk Plush!
  • New spell, Ringing Moans, submitted by Neynna Liena! Graphic is ClipTF. This spell turns its victim into a Ring Gag!
  • New spell, Ewe Com-Bleat Me, submitted by Ryan Bends! Additional credits go to spell text commissioned from Deenifish. Graphic is KamiLazu. This spell turns its victim into a Shocked Sheep!
  • New spell, Demonic Potential, submitted by Ryan Bends! Additional credits go to commissioned writing from April Duhad. Graphic is by Dorin/Naga. This spell turns its victim into a Succubus Auditor!

  • August 10 2024

    As many might have seen, one of our original developers has been slowly updating TT's ancient code base recently to something much better, but it is a lengthy process. Because of this, we'll be having a longer-than-usually-but-not-uncommon chaos time. The new round will be set to start around September 2. This is to maximize the amount of testing for the next major uphaul.

    August 5 2024

    Alpha Round 115, "Omnibus Petmaker!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please!

    July 20 2024

    Alpha Round 115 has started!

    What's the achievement this time to earn? That would be Petmaker. Those unique individuals who turn at least 150 targets into pets will receive the Omnibus Queen form as a reward!

    Rewards will go to unique players if someone tries to top with more than one account! Rewards for previous rounds will be handed out sometime soon!

    Also, new spells, woohoo!

    New spell, Drunken Spell, submitted by Loruke! Art by Martiandawn. This spell turns its victim into a Barmaid’s Dress!
    New spell, Indecisively Decisive, submitted by LolitaSoulReaper! Art by Martiandawn. This spell turns its victim into a Indecisive British Girl!
    New spell, Oh no, the crab rave has been ruined! submitted by DesertToad! Art by Puyo. This spell turns its victim into a Stabby Crab!
    New spell, Toeless Love, submitted by Menestrello! Additional credits go to Desiree for being a cutie <3. Art is self-made. This spell turns its victim into a Toeless Socks!

    June 25 2024

    Alpha Round 114, "The Beach Episode!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please! 👻

    June 9 2024

    Hey, gang! Rusty here to kick out TT's first Beach Episode round! It was bound to happen sooner or later. This round, I'll be joining the lifeguards to help guide you folks as I normally would ... just at the beach instead!

    Round 114 is going to function like the others we've had in the past, so not too much has changed! The achievement this time will be "A Change in Management." Those who reach a threshold of attacking mini-bosses at least 150 times will receive the Swimsuit Neko as a reward form!

    If that seems too much for you to accomplish, just try to be in one of a number of different forms at the very end of the round! Check the announcement on the Discord for more information. Rewards will go to unique players.

    May 16 2024

    Alpha Round 113 has ended!

    Alpha Round 113, "Doe, Fae, Me!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please!

    Chaos time! Hope you had fun.

    April 29 2024

    Alpha Round 113 has started!

    What's the achievement this time to earn? That would be Friend of the Fae. Those unique individuals who interact with Jewdewfae at least 30 times will receive the Dryad Doe form as a reward!

    Rewards will go to unique players if someone tries to top with more than one account! Rewards for previous rounds will be handed out sometime soon!

    April 18 2024

    Heads up!

    Due to legislation requiring adult websites to collect identity information to verify the identities of users, Transformania Time! will begin blocking several US states beginning in round 113.

    Collecting this information isn't something we want to do, and not collecting it is legally risky for us, so we've opted to not provide service to these areas at all, following in the footsteps of big players like PornHub.

    Currently, the following states are up to be blocked:

    Users in these areas will be shown the following page:

    April 6 2024

    Alpha Round 112, "Easter? Eggs come from birds!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please!

    March 20 2024

    Alpha Round 112 has started!

    What's the achievement this time to earn? That would be Hawkeye. Those who use reach at least a threshold of 5000 searches will receive the Easter Bunny as a reward!

    Rewards will go to unique players if someone tries to top with more than one account! Rewards for previous rounds will be handed out sometime soon!

    February 15 2024

    Downtime Announcement - 2024/02/17

    This Saturday - February 17th 2024 between the hours of 12:00 and 16:00 Pacific Time, Transformania Time! will experience potentially extended downtime and interruptions, while we upgrade our server infrastructure. This downtime was previously planned last month, but was postponed due to routing propagation issues.

    Information and updates will be provided during the duration of the downtime event in the Discord channel #2024-server-upgrade-info.

    If you're not already a member of our Discord, you can join at

    Thanks for playing! -portalz

    February 14 2024

    Alpha Round 111, "Electric Swap!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please!

    January 27 2024

    Alpha Round 111 has started!

    What's the achievement this time to earn? That would be Sex Swap Scoundrel. Those who use reach at least 40 targets hit will receive the Energetic Girl as a reward!

    Rewards will go to unique players if someone tries to top with more than one account! Rewards for previous rounds will be handed out sometime soon!

    January 19 2024

    Downtime Announcement - 2024/01/21

    This Sunday - January 21st 2024 between the hours of 12:00 and 20:00 Pacific Time, Transformania Time! will experience potentially extended downtime and interruptions, while we upgrade our server infrastructure and relocate from a data center in Dallas, Texas to much newer and faster hardware located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the United States.

    Information and updates will be provided during the duration of the downtime event in the Discord channel #2024-server-upgrade-info.

    If you're not already a member of our Discord, you can join at

    Thanks for playing! -portalz

    January 2 2024

    Alpha Round 110, "The Holiday Spirit!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please!

    December 16 2023

    Alpha Round 110 has started!

    Hi, everyone! I know normally that grumpy Krampus is up here talking with you all, but I put her in time out for a little bit! Ignore the muffled anger noises coming from the closet in the bar! Who am I? Well I'm the Holiday Spirit! Holiday cheer here in Sunnyglade has been at a all time low, so I was sent to make sure everyone has a great time!~… Also, some of you have been cheating on Santa with your magic! So, I'll also be doing the Naughty and Nice list in town! Come say hi! Just don't get any ideas... I'm sure around... I dunno. Turn 5000 one of you will get a silly idea or two.

    Either way! Lets get the formalities out of the way! This round's achievements are all related to me and Christmas!

    Season Spirit: Talk to me - the Holiday Spirit!
    Naughty Naughty: Receive naughty blessings!
    Goodie Two Shoes: Receive nice blessings!
    Gift Grabber: Open holiday presents!

    The top 10 unique player winners of these achievements will get either the 'Nice' Girl form or the 'Naughty' girl form! You can't get both though! So choose wisely!

    Also around turn 5000 I'll have a nice little quest for everyone! If you complete the quest I give you then you get the 'Nice' Santa form for your work.

    Course... if you wanna be naughty, there is a quest for you guys too. It's MUCH harder and has multiple endings. But if you complete it to the True ending and send a screenshot of it to my creator, then you can get both the Naughty AND Nice Santa form. If you fail though, no worries. You still get the Naughty Santa form if you complete the quest.

    Other than that... well just keep your eyes peeled... There's plenty going on. I mean just me being around makes presents appear all over the place. Not to mention I've got presents to give out too! Sooooo, do your best and have fun and there is a small quest later on that you'll get a personal present from me... but it's only around for a tiny bit.~


    Good luck!

    December 8 2023

    Alpha Round 109, "Clumsy!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be considered for all unique players and will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please!

    November 21 2023

    Alpha Round 109 has started!

    What's the achievement this time to earn? That would be The Wheels on the Bus. Those who move on the bus at least a distance of 1500 will receive the Clumsy Exorcist as a reward!

    Rewards will go to unique players if someone tries to top with more than one account! Rewards for previous rounds will be handed out shortly, and spells will be published later this week.

    And let's not forget about some game updates!

    November 1 2023

    Alpha Round 108, "This is Halloween!", has come to an end! Thank you to all of those users who participated! The game will now be put into Chaos! Round rewards will be considered for all unique players and will be given out at the start of the next round. Do not inquire before then, please!

    October 14 2023

    Alpha Round 108 has started!

    Happy October everyone! This round, we're going to celebrate the spookiest month of the year with a little trick-or-treating! There are a total of Four spots for you to trick or treat at, represented by quests in town somewhere! Some are easy to locate and finish. Others are a little bit more difficult. Can you find and complete them all? Here are some hints :
    -The first stop on your night of debauchery is Carolyne's - this one is easy and anyone can access it!
    -The next can be found somewhere to the west of town, although completing it may require some counterintuitive actions...
    -The third quest is hidden away somewhere, protected by a guardian spirit of halloween. She'll open the quest for you, but only if you prove your halloween spirit to her. How? By shouting in a location you find her at, of course! 👻
    -The last and final quest won't be available for a while... In fact, it'll only show up on a very specific day this round. Don't miss the next Hunter's moon!

    Anyone that completes a trick or treating quest will receive a participation reward. If you manage to complete all four of them, you will instead earn.... the Ultimate Trick or Treater form. Wow.